How are the teachers in the college helped to work with a child with SEND and what training do they have?

The Senior Teacher for Inclusion (Mrs Fiona Stobbs, currently on leave) and the Nominated SENDCO (Mrs Rachael Gray) roles are to support the subject teachers in planning for children with SEND.

Each Faculty has a teacher identified as a ‘SEND representative’ to support with the development of SEND in their subject areas, specifically for communications purposes.

As a College, we have taken a particular focus on training relating to Autism, but has also included training on SEMH needs and Dyslexia.

Individual teachers and support staff attend training courses that are relevant to the needs of specific students in their class e.g. From the Acquired Brain Injury Trust.

If you feel that there is a specific training needed in College to support your son/daughter with SEND, please do not hesitate to let the Nominated SENDCO, Mrs Rachael Gray, know.