Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) at High Tunstall is structured through our local offer.  The local offer provides information on what services children, young people and their families can expect from High Tunstall College of Science. Knowing what is available in each Hartlepool school and in the authority as a whole gives you more choice and therefore more control over what support is right for your child.  We hope that the information contained with our information report allows you to make the right decision about a placement for your child.

‘Knowing every child’ is key to our community at High Tunstall and is fundamental to understanding special education needs.  For students who require additional support there will be a detailed student overview document which provides staff with a single point of reference for staff in school to understand your child and their needs.  For those with further support needs an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) may be applied for which then can allow access to additional funding to help support and meet the needs of individual students.  For more detail see the Department for Educations: SEN Guide for Parents

To view more information about the SEND provision at High Tunstall College of Science please select one of the sections or documents below. You can also view the local offer across Hartlepool on the Hartlepool SEN Website

SEND Information Report

SEND Policy Document

If you require a paper copy of any of the above documents or require a document in an alternative language or audio, please contact the Admin Team on 01429 261446.

Our Provisions

At High Tunstall College of Science, we recognise that parents/ carers are important partners in providing a happy, safe environment in which students learn.  All members of staff want to know as soon as possible if you have worries about your son/daughter because everyone benefits from a quick solution to problems and concerns.

Complaints about SEND provision at the College should be made to the Senior Teacher for Inclusion (Miss Tracey Dodds) and/or the Senior Specialist SENDCo (Mrs Rachael Gray). The complaints policy can be found here.

Parents/carers of students with SEND can also be supported through the complaints process by contacting Hartlepool SENDIASS (SEND Information, Advice and Support Service).  SENDIASS offer impartial information, advice and support to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. The service is impartial, confidential and free. Hartlepool SENDIASS will provide support in order to ensure that parents children and young people with SEND are fully informed and involved in their son/daughter’s education.  Although the SENDIASS are part of the Local Authority, it operates independently from The SEND Education Services offering impartial advice, support and information.  For further information about Hartlepool SENDIASS please click here.

If you would like to make a complaint regarding SEND at the College please follow the complaints procedure which is available here.

For all other questions and queries, please contact Mrs Rachael Gray, our Senior Specialist SENDCo using the details below.
Tel: (01429) 261446

“Every child brings a unique pattern of strengths and areas of need to our community and the school aims to fulfil the potential of all students.”

Last updated: April 2024
Review Date: April 2025