The High Tunstall College of Science curriculum is at the centre of our purpose and our core values of Inspire, Support and Achieve are reflected in its design and delivery. Our curriculum is built upon knowledge and skills gained from the primary phase in education and draws on student’s experiences to prepare them for their adult and working life. It is our belief that this vision is enacted in the way teachers develop the curriculum and in the lived daily experiences of young people in our classrooms. We have interpreted the term ‘curriculum’ in its broadest sense to include a child’s intellectual, social, moral and emotional development, and the preparation for opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. We want a curriculum that supports our students in developing an appetite to know more and the capacity to learn. Our curriculum seeks to link and make compromises between four broad educational justifications of the importance of educating young people, these are: preparation for work, preparation for adulthood and global citizenship, personal empowerment and Cultural awareness. An overarching factor of our success in delivering a curriculum that meets the needs of all, are the 10 promises identified in the ‘Tunstall Ticket’.