- Committed to a three year programme leading to informed option choices at key stage 4
- Have students at its heart, promoting a love of learning across all subject areas.
- Offering a broad, balanced, relevant, differentiated, progressive and coherent curriculum to meet the needs of young people of all abilities at the College
- Work with Partner Primary Schools to ease transition and provide appropriate pathways to engage all learners at KS3
- Equipping students with high quality functional skills, including key literacy, ICT and numeracy levels
- Upskill our staff and students through the use of Disciplinary Literacy training to unlock the curriculum for all learners regardless of their ability
- Develop students’ personal moral values, respect for religious values and tolerance of other races beliefs and ways of
- Encouraging students to develop lively, inquiring minds
- Create a curriculum where all students are inspired and supported to achieve
- Developing an awareness of spiritual, social, moral and multi-cultural understanding
- Encourage habits of independent learning through the use of robust ILO’s to become resilient learners
- Supporting learning needs of SEND students to meet very individual needs
- Encouraging out of class learning to enrich all students’ education and build upon cultural capital
- Ensure that the curriculum incorporates, and is improved and extended by HTCS’s STEM identity
- Providing opportunities to prepare students for KS4 and beyond
- Providing high quality careers education so students are prepared for their next stage of learning and help students understand the world in which they live
- Encouraging students to engage with an enhanced curriculum to stretch and challenge our more and most able learners