Hello to our High Tunstall Community. We are the elected Student Senior Leadership Team for the 2024-25 Academic Year. We are delighted to be working with the College Head Boy/Head Girl Team to advocate for the students, and to ensure they get the most out of their time here at High Tunstall.
Student Leaders

From left to right: Ruby Hails, (Deputy Head Girl), Elliott Smith (Head Boy), Grace Wood (Head Girl) and Patrick Curtis (Deputy Head Boy).
As a school we pride ourselves on adhering to a specific set of values, which are Ready, Respectful, and Safe. We are presented with plenty of opportunities through our facilities and we strive to keep those opportunities in an excellent condition for years to come. Ultimately, our focus is on the students, therefore we will work hard to remain a cohesive college, where all students are included and supported throughout all areas of college life. We aim to be an approachable team ready to help with any concerns or queries any students, staff or parents may have.
Hello, my name is Elliott Smith, and I’m proud to be the Head Boy this year. The thing I love most about our school is the high quality and large range of lessons provided, offering comprehensive education, aided by our outstanding facilities. Every teacher in our community works tirelessly to provide a full and detailed education to every student, and is dedicated to inspiring and supporting our community, so we can achieve greatness.
We take great pride in respecting our facilities, and keeping them pristine, so that everyone is granted equal opportunity. We take inspiration from the hugely successful All Blacks rugby team, and adopt the mantra, “Sweep our sheds”, meaning we make sure to respect our facilities, and ensure that the same high standard of learning is maintained.
There is lots of support for those who may need it, ranging from intervention to afterschool sessions. This not only ensures that you can meet your full potential but can feel comfortable and confident to participate in your education and make the most of the resources available to you.
High Tunstall also offers a wide range of subjects and experiences, with 4 computer suites, 2 kitchens & 2 workshops, we can be sure to offer a subject or experience that you will be interested in, as we strive for you to be invested in, and enjoy your secondary education. High Tunstall offers a range of GCSEs and BTECs, and 4 subjects can be chosen at GCSE, ensuring that you can tailor your future in a positive way that will engage and inspire you.
I’m confident that from our teachers’ dedication, our access to resources, and our fantastic attitude towards learning, you will be supported to thrive within our community, gaining a brilliant education that will boost you into the future.
Elliott Smith
Head Boy
Hello, my name is Grace Wood, and I’m honoured to be the newly elected Head Girl of High Tunstall. It brings me great pleasure to be able to tell you about how our college relishes the opportunity to embrace inclusivity and diversity on a daily basis, ensuring that the necessities of all students are met and considered no matter who they may be! High Tunstall College of Science is described as a vibrant, comprehensive and all-encompassing school which always recognizes the students efforts by providing all pupils with, regardless of additional need, the opportunity to participate in activities, leadership roles and worldly experiences that support the growth and experience into future adults beyond the college journey.
Our school aims to recognize the idea of inclusivity through various programs, the wealth of opportunities and the staff themselves who are dedicated to broadening the spectrum of support for the students who attend this school. For instance, the High Tunstall community aims to create a varied and unique number of opportunities that cover each student’s interests and needs.
This can be shown through Our Vision for mental health by addressing the support required from children, families and staff- improving the learning environment so we can foster a school climate that encourages teaching and learning while responding to crises. We are given this support in numerous forms, such as the mental health tool kits, diagrams showcased around the school that allow students to identify where they can seek support through mental health agencies and services as well as our MAD (Make A Difference) Team which offers extensive support for wellbeing issues through our pupil volunteers.
Furthermore, the discovery faculty at High Tunstall offers a fantastic program known as the Youth STEMM Award which aims to inspire the next generation into STEMM careers alongside refining students’ scientific knowledge. As someone who has just completed the Bronze Award, it enables students to work up all the way to their Gold Award, whilst producing a portfolio of work as evidence of activities and dedication to personal growth. This is an excellent opportunity for all students to showcase personal attributes for STEM subjects for job or university applications.
From our extensive range of opportunities, unlimited amount of resources and the positive, enthusiastic High Tunstall community, I can assure you that our school will do everything within its reach for students to reach their full potential, allow us to create memories to cherish and broaden our skills and education for us to achieve goals in the future. I cannot wait to see how high YOU soar on your High Tunstall adventure.
Grace Wood
Head Girl
Upon joining or entering High Tunstall, you will become immediately familiar with the words: Ready, Respectful and Safe which are displayed all around the College, as they are part of the powerful ethos used here at HTCS. Students and teachers alike adhere to these standards resulting in harmony between an efficient and effective learning environment.
From the day I arrived at the College, fresh out of lockdowns and home-schooling, to the start of Year 11, it has been evident that the College, however subtly, enforces these values with systems recently being put in place. The late gate system, which encourages students to be ready and on time to learn, improves both respect and safety in the classrooms. These attributes, as previously stated, are also exercised by all teachers in College. Being prepared with content and exercises for every unique lesson. Whilst always maintaining a respectful and collected manner.
Another set of core values we use at High Tunstall are that of Inspire, Support and Achieve. This is the idea that to achieve you must be able to inspire others to improve themselves whilst also accepting the support offered by the College. This allows a student to surpass what they can achieve by themselves. This achievement is what we strive for at High Tunstall and have made significant efforts in providing the support needed for everyone. For example, the sixth lesson timetable provided for year 11s to further study and practice subjects in which they struggle.
At High Tunstall we take our ethos seriously as it is important to follow for our students to succeed.
Patrick Curtis
Deputy Head Boy
I’m Ruby and I am the newly elected Deputy Head Girl at High Tunstall College of Science. The responsibility has fallen to me to share with you all the boundless array of enrichment opportunities here at the College. I wholeheartedly believe that what sets the school apart from others is the wealth of opportunities that are open to students. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here immersing myself in the range of subjects, educational visits and extracurricular activities, and would urge others to do the same.
I have learnt so much both in and out of the classroom and I believe this has helped me to grow as a person. The broad and varied curriculum we offer here at the College inspires students, and with the support of the passionate and dedicated staff, allows our students to go on and achieve great things. When it comes to GCSE studies, there are many different routes suited to each individual. Whether academic or vocational, there is something for everyone, and our students have the opportunity to study all subjects before picking their options in year nine. Here at High Tunstall, we pride ourselves on academics, while also valuing the personal development and enrichment of our students. At the College you will further your knowledge while also becoming a well-rounded member of the community, through the many unique experiences on offer. Why not learn the values of teamwork and communication, completing the Duke of Edinburgh’s award, while picking up key life skills along the way? Why not explore your interests within creative arts by getting involved in the College Production or embark on your STEMM journey through the Youth STEMM Award? Why not discover another culture while making lasting memories with friends on a trip further afield? The possibilities are endless and allow our students to discover their talents and interests.
But it doesn’t end there, the fun continues outside of College hours as our passionate and dedicated staff run a wide range of extracurricular clubs such as debate club, eco club, chess club and many more. Come along to an extra-curricular club to learn a new skill, deepen your knowledge or connect with other students with similar interests. The College has a strong sporting reputation due to its many sporting successes over the years. Our young athletes can develop their skills in our state-of-the-art facilities and could have the honour of representing HTCS on the local, regional and national stage. Could you lead Team Tunstall to victory or break school records? Perhaps one of the most prestigious opportunities is to represent the College in a senior leadership role. Become a prefect, lead your house or even the College as a whole, demonstrating your leadership skills. There really are no limits to what you can achieve here at High Tunstall, so get involved, and make the most of these opportunities!
Ruby Hails
Deputy Head Girl