If you have any concerns regarding the safeguarding or prevent duty of any young person associated with High Tunstall College of Science, please ensure you raise it with a member of our team. If your concerns are related to safeguarding, or even if you are not sure, you can contact us on: 07974874977. We are available Monday to Friday (Term Time Only) between the hours of 8:00AM and 4:00PM.
The Emergency Duty Team provides an out-of-hours response to emergency situations involving child protection, child care, mental health, and other adult care service matters. They provide a point of advice and, where necessary, immediate service to individuals and families who are experiencing problems. They work closely with other emergency services including Health, Warden Call, Police, Women’s Refuges, and the Benefits Agency. They are only available outside normal office hours, you can contact them here: 01642 524552.