Steps to Relational Repair
There is no corporal punishment at High Tunstall College of Science.
At High Tunstall College of Science, teachers are expected to follow the positive behaviour plan which focusses on acknowledging there is a difficulty/problem and managing it sensitively using relational interactions and what they already know of the student.
At High Tunstall College of Science, we recognise that students may not understand why their behaviour is inappropriate, and therefore, it may be unintentional. It is therefore the responsibility of the teacher to use the opportunity as a learning experience.
Students are held responsible for their behaviours. Staff will deal with behaviour without delegating. Staff will use the steps in behaviour for dealing with poor conduct. There are no steps for serious misconduct in lessons and around the site. These behaviours include violence, racism, homophobia, dangerous conduct, threat to other Students or staff. In an emergency, call reception straight away and act to keep yourself and other students safe.
Step One: Nudge
A reminder of the expectations for students – Ready, Respectful, Safe delivered to the student. The teacher redirects them to the agreed boundaries of the lesson/task. The student has the choice to do the right thing.
Step Two: Warning
A clear verbal warning will be delivered to the student making them aware of their behaviour and clearly outlining the consequences if they continue. Clear expectations for the remainder of the lesson will be given. The student has a choice to do the right thing. Students will be reminded of their previous good conduct to prove that they can make the right choices.
Step Three: The Immediate RST
Staff and student will speak in private for 1 minute. The staff member will reset boundaries clearly and welcome back into the learning environment. Students will now be given one final opportunity to engage in the lesson and this will be made clear to the student before they re-enter the learning environment.
Step 4: Triage
Patrol will now be called. Student will be removed to a timetabled classroom in another faculty area. This will be a different year group to their own and is non-negotiable.
- Triage is a no blame environment. It is opportunity to reset.
- Students stay for the remainder of the lesson only.
- On entering Triage, students will be handed an information card.
- Triage requires an after School RST to discuss and close the behaviour before next lesson.
If a student is removed from a lesson it is the responsibility of the teacher to ensure that the incident is logged and a restorative conversation has been recorded and taken place. It is also expected that parents/carers are contacted to inform them of the incident and the resolution via School Synergy or telephone as deemed appropriate.
If a student engages in low level or unacceptable behaviour on the yard, the same process will be followed, whoever is on duty will inform the form tutor but will have dealt with the situation and completed the restorative conversation with the student before handover.
Step 5: Independent Learning Zone (ILZ)
ILZ will be used for the remainder of the Day if Triage is not respected OR there is a serious behaviour breach. The Independent Learning Zone opens 09.40am until 3.30pm and any student who needs access to the ILZ provision will be expected to complete these hours. Parents will be notified should a student need to access the ILZ provision the following day.
If a student is escorted to the ILZ provision throughout the College day, parents will be informed accordingly and students will leave at 3pm unless 3.30pm is agreed between College and parents/carers.
Step 6: SHINE Centre/CREATE Centre Placement
If a student commits a serious behaviour breach or displays persistent defiant behaviours, we are within our rights to direct them to our Alternative Provision sites for an extended period of time. This could be within our SHINE Centre (KS3 provision) or our CREATE Centre (KS4 provision). Details around reason and length of time will be discussed in advance with parents/carers prior to the provision commencing. A return to College meeting will be needed for any student accessing these provisions before they re-enter mainstream
Behaviour on School Visits
The College sets a behavioural expectation that all students attending the visit must ensure that they uphold all behavioural rules in College before the visit takes place. As the trip is taking place during the academic term students must ensure that they catch up on all work missed so that they don’t fall behind. All students who do not follow behavioural expectations will have their place on the visit removed and all money paid towards the visit will only be refunded if another student takes their place.