Admission Arrangements 2025-2026 Consultation Notice

In accordance with the Department for Education’s statutory ‘School Admissions Code’ guidance, admission authorities must consult on admission arrangements when changes are proposed.

High Tunstall College of Science are launching this consultation document and we are providing you with the opportunity to review the proposed changes to our Admissions Policy.

We are proposing some changes in the event of the College being oversubscribed for the 2025/26 intake onwards, therefore the priority criteria for admission have been amended to reflect this.

You can view the Admissions Policy 2025 – 2026 by clicking here where the proposed changes are highlighted in section 3.0 Oversubscription – Criteria 2, 4 & 5.

An electronic copy of the Admissions Policy 2023 – 2024 and 2024 – 2025 are available here.

If you have any comments regarding these proposed changes, please fill in the comments box to the right to enable the College to review these comments.

In line with the ‘School Admissions Code’, this consultation will run for six (6) weeks, from Monday 2nd October 2023 to Friday 17th November 2023 inclusive.

You can also request and pick up a hard copy of the consultation document – Admissions Policy 2025 – 2026 from the High Tunstall College of Science administration office at Elwick Road, West Park, Hartlepool, TS26 0LQ.

If you have any written comments on these proposed changes, you should submit them in writing no later than close of business on Monday 20th November 2023 to: Mr. Mark Tilling – Headteacher, at the above address.

A review of all comments received will be carried out to determine the outcome of the consultation. The final admission arrangements will be determined by 31st January 2024.

Thank you in anticipation.

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