Specialist Teaching and Support

‘Knowing every child is key to our community at High Tunstall and is fundamental to understanding special education needs.’

Many young people with additional learning needs can make better, more sustained progress when they attend mainstream school.  Additionally Resourced schools operate as part of Hartlepool’s continuum of provision, providing specialist places for a small number of children and young people with higher levels of special educational needs. An Additionally Resourced Provision is a provision, within a mainstream school, designed to provide specialist and targeted support for children with long term special educational needs (SEN).

As a specialist 20 place provision, we aim to create a safe and happy environment for our students, while maintaining their sense of whole school inclusion. We pride ourselves on focussing on the individual needs of each student and creating opportunities for them to succeed both academically and socially.

To allow our students to overcome any barriers within the College, and achieve their full potential, we employ a range of individual and bespoke strategies:

  • Specialist ASC and medical needs support within mainstream curriculum lessons that allows students to access learning and fulfil their academic potential
  • Differentiation of materials used for teaching and learning within lessons.
  • Collaboration between support staff and teachers, enabling students to reach their full potential and enhance their learning through sharing of individual personal Education Health and Care Plan outcomes.
  • Access to a specialist social skills curriculum, helping students with their social awareness and encouraging peer friendships that can be maintained.
  • Supported social time within the Additionally Resourced Centre to facilitate peer interaction and develop social skills
  • Preparation for the challenges and opportunities of a complex and technologically advanced society through creative, innovative and motivating approaches to teaching and learning.
  • Work closely with parents/carers and external agencies to allow students to achieve full potential.

Additionally Resourced Provisions are additionally funded which means that a school ARP receives additional resources. Places for the Additionally Resourced Provision are allocated via the Local Authority special educational needs and disabilities team. The Local Authority has the responsibility of identifying students who meet the criteria across Hartlepool.

The key to the outstanding success of the Additionally Resourced Provision is working in partnership with various stakeholders. The ARP has close links with primary schools, other secondary schools, local colleges and parents and carers.

In November 2019, we entered our new purpose-built building and the Additionally Resourced Centre (ARC) has been specially designed to cater for the needs of our most vulnerable students and those with an Additionally Resourced Provision place.

Each students needs are looked at on an individual basis and a bespoke support plan is created for them.

ARP Aims

The purpose of The Additionally Resourced Provision is to:

  • Support transition within the mainstream secondary school environment
    · Provide high levels of support for students with their work in mainstream lessons, optimising their access to the National Curriculum.
    ·  To provide a broad and balanced education for every individual student.
    ·  Address communication difficulties and help students to develop their understanding of social situations.
    ·  Teach students language and vocabulary they need to understand and use for their college subjects.
    ·  Implement programmes of study addressing social skills and social communication, so that students can make the most of their integration into the social, pastoral and extra-curricular life of the college.
    ·  Encourage and facilitate independence and the fullest possible participation in whole college life.
    ·  Work closely with parents/carers and external agencies in developing strategies and meeting the needs of identified students.
    ·  Raise and maintain awareness of special educational needs and to disseminate information to all staff regarding:
  • Students’ strengths and talents
  • The nature of their difficulties
  • Appropriate achievable targets
  • Strategies which support learning
  • Good practice in teaching of students with special educational needs.

Support at HTCS

Successful inclusion of our students depends on the existence of a strong collaborative relationship between the teachers within the mainstream school and The Additionally Resourced Centre. There is an ongoing exchange of information about the progress of our students with support given to help understand individual behaviours and identify strategies for each individual student.

All students are entitled to a high-quality education.

Subject teacher input via excellent targeted classroom teaching also known as Quality First Teaching is what all students receive in the first instance.

This means:

  • That the teacher has the highest possible expectations of all students in their class.
  • That all teaching is based on building on what students already know, can do and can understand.
  • Different ways of teaching are in place and individual strategies are implemented so that students are able to be fully involved in learning in class.
  • Specific strategies (which may be suggested by the SEND Team or outside agencies) are in place to support students to learn via an individual ‘Student Overview Sheet’.
  • Students are mostly taught in classes with students of similar ability.
  • Students with an Additionally Resourced Provision place will receive support from an Inclusion Assistant in their lessons.
  • Students will be allocated a mentor who is part of the Inclusion Team who meets with them weekly as part of the whole school mentoring programme.

All children in school should receive quality first teaching as a part of excellent classroom practice, whoever their education is delivered by.

Home/School Communication

At High Tunstall College of Science, the importance of a close home/school relationship is highly regarded. Parental/Carer input and an understanding of a student’s needs is an integral dimension to their learning. The extent and frequency of contact with parents and carers depends on their wishes and the needs of the student. The following are examples of the way we foster and encourage a close home/school relationship:

  • Synergy one to one messaging
  • Key Worker who is a central figure for home/school communication. The key worker will make regular phone calls home/send Synergy correspondence to keep parents and carers informed day-to-day.
  • Parents’ Evenings- held for all year groups throughout the year. The Senior Teacher for Inclusivity and SENDCo are available during the event to assist parents and students and meet to discuss progress.
  • Coffee Mornings – offered throughout the year. It gives all parents and carers the opportunity to meet each other and talk to the Inclusion Team.
  • Annual Education Health and Care Plan reviews.
  • Facebook page for The Additionally Resourced Centre (ARC)


We recognise that transition can be difficult for a child with special educational needs and take steps to ensure that any transition is as smooth as possible.

Students are supported in all stages of transition:

  • Transition to Key Stage 3 – The Additionally Resourced Centre provides a structured programme for all incoming Year 7 students, with a detailed and personalised transition programme in liaison with primary schools, opportunities for students to develop a positive relationship with the Key Worker and staff in advance of starting at High Tunstall, visual supports and adapted transition materials, support for parents and carers and enhanced visits and transition days to High Tunstall.
  • Transition to Key Stage 4 – Students are supported by the SENDCo to make informed choices about what options would be most appropriate and beneficial for GCSEs. The Inclusion Team helps students, parents and carers begin to focus on adulthood as students reflect upon what they would like to study Post-16. The Inclusion Team support students through the use of visual timetables, meeting staff in advance and supporting in transition lessons to prepare students for the expectations of Key Stage 4.
  • Transition to a Post-16 Provider – High aspirations are crucial to success and therefore discussions about longer-term goals start early and continue through Year 11. The Additionally Resourced Provision centres support around an extended transition and the young person’s own interests and needs and focuses on further education, participating in society and being as healthy as possible in adult life. We work with the Post-16 providers to ensure they have all the relevant information they require and plan detailed extended transition opportunities for all ARP students. Students attend careers fairs and lessons with support from an Inclusion Assistant and are fully supported through the process of applying to Post-16 Providers. Post-16 Providers are also invited to Year 11 Education, Health and Care Plan reviews.


  • Resilience
  • Independence
  • Successful Learners
  • Engagement in Learning

High Tunstall College of Science’s Moderate Learning Difficulties Provision (MLD) – RISE –  is made up of students who have Special Educational Needs and/or Disability. Our students all have Educational Health Care Plans (EHCPs.) The provision provides a modified curriculum for our students who have attainments well below expected levels in all or most areas of the curriculum. Throughout their time in the MLD provision we aim to support and develop students’ skills of social interaction, independence, and life skills as well as promoting Maths and English skills which are essential for the students to interact within the world around them. We hope to provide positive, relevant and meaningful learning experiences which support our students to reach their full potential. The MLD provision will support students within the five areas of need within their EHCP. These areas are:

  • Cognition and Learning
  • Communication and Interaction
  • Social Emotional and/or Mental Health difficulties
  • Sensory and/or Physical Needs
  • Self-help and Independence

Places for the Additionally Resourced Provision are allocated via the Local Authority SEND Team. Students accessing this Additionally Resourced Provision will be placed on roll at High Tunstall College of Science.

The College operates a 20 place Nurture Group from within its student body.  Students who are identified by the College, who are in need of a more nurturing curriculum and climate, are selected and educated within the Nurture Group.  Students are not expected to be in the Nurture Group for 5 years as it is designed to help and support young people reintegrate into mainstream when they have developed the social, emotional and academic skills.

Students must have an Education, Health and Care Plan in order for the College to consider a short-term placement in the Nurture Group.

The Nurture Group move around the school and use different classrooms for each lesson. Students accessing the Nurture Group are not taught only in one single area of the school.

We provide support and guidance to enable the student to access mainstream lessons successfully and reach their potential.   Alongside this, we use specialist strategies to support the students to raise their self- esteem and confidence which enables them to have positive experiences and gain successes throughout their journey through College.

Whilst following the National Curriculum, the group’s main priority is to address the barriers to learning so that the students sense of well-being is improved and they are able to take advantage of learning opportunities and achieve to their potential.  Our approach is individually responsive and we consider the human and personal characteristics of all students. For students accessing the Nurture Group, we plan that this will only be short term and our end goal is always to reintegrate students into mainstream lessons.

We encourage students to be self-regulated learners that are aware of their strengths and weaknesses, and can motivate themselves to engage in, and improve their learning.

We follow the Six Principles of Nurture:

  1. Children’s learning is understood developmentally
  2. The classroom offers a safe base
  3. The importance of nurture for the development of wellbeing
  4. Language is a vital means of communication
  5. All behaviour is communication
  6. The importance of transition in children’s lives

SHINE is a specialist provision for students in Key Stage 3 with social, emotional and mental health difficulties (SEMH). Our students within this provision have found a mainstream setting difficult and need a bespoke curriculum that focuses on the child as a whole. Students are initially placed in the Shine centre following a referral from their year leader. Their initial placement will be for 12 weeks. In the first 6 weeks some assessment work will take place and staff in the Shine centre form relationships with students. The following 6 weeks will follow one of three routes:

1 – Begin re-integration back to mainstream lessons

2 – A further 6 weeks within the Shine centre

3 – External agencies required to provide support and appropriate referrals will be made


Safeguarding Children’s safety is at the centre of everything that we do.
Holistic support To ensure the correct level of support is sourced from a range of agencies.
Inclusion in education To enable all children to access a broad and balanced curriculum, in and out of the classroom.
Nurturing to re-engage Providing students with skills to support re-engagement to learning.
Educational outcomes Ensuring all students to reach their full potential.

Our goal is that our students can leave us with the relevant skills to move on successfully with their next step and ultimately go on to be a positive member of society.


The Shine provision is split into two sections, main and extension. Our school day is as follows:

Main 9am-1pm

Extension 1pm-3pm
Lesson 1 9:00 – 9:50am Lesson 1 1:00 – 1:30pm
Lesson 2 9:50 – 10:40am Lesson 2 1:30 – 2:00pm
Break 10:40-11am Lesson 3 2:00 – 2:30pm
Lesson 3 11:00 – 11:45am Lesson 4 2:30 – 3:00pm
Lesson 4 11:45 – 12:30pm
Lunch 12:30 -1:00pm
Home 1:00pm


All students study English, Maths and Science to ensure that their foundations are ready for GCSE. Humanities subjects are taught in themes via Topic lessons and include a range of subjects such as Eruptions & Volcanes, WW1 & WW2, Slave Trade and Romans.

Therapeutic lessons including emotional literacy, food technology, bike maintenance and gardening are included throughout the school week. PE and art/creative subjects are also included within the curriculum offer.

Alternative activities will be on offer such as bike riding, outdoor education, walking, climbing and local area attraction visits.

Home/School Communication

At High Tunstall College of Science, the importance of a close home/school relationship is highly regarded. Parental/Carer input and an understanding of a student’s needs is an integral dimension to their learning. The extent and frequency of contact with parents and carers depends on their wishes and the needs of the student. The following are examples of the way we foster and encourage a close home/school relationship:

  • Synergy one to one messaging
  • Shine mobile phone to allow parents/carers to communicate via text to update how students have been at home and vice versa.
  • Key Worker who is a central figure for home/school communication. The key worker will make regular phone calls home/texts/send Synergy correspondence to keep parents and carers informed day-to-day.
  • Parents’ Evenings- held for all year groups throughout the year.
  • Annual Education Health and Care Plan reviews.
  • Coordinated Support Plan reviews.
  • Facebook page for SHINE centre.

REACH is a specialist provision for students in Key Stage 3 and 4 with social, emotional and mental health difficulties (SEMH) or students who may be suffering from EBSA (Emotionally Based School Avoidance). Some students may have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

Students within this provision have found a mainstream setting difficult and need a bespoke curriculum that focuses on the child. We work closely with parents/carers and a host of external agencies to provide our students with a high level of support. Students can study in a bespoke way to suit their learning style and coping strategy. The curriculum in REACH is heavily focused around positive mental health and increasing awareness of Emotional Literacy.

REACH is on the main HTCS site but is a separate building to allow for a more private provision.

Our goal is that our students can leave us with the relevant skills and qualifications they need for their next steps.


CREATE is a specialist provision for students in Key Stage 4 with social, emotional and mental health difficulties (SEMH) or students who may be at risk of permanent exclusion. Some students may have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

Students within this provision have found a mainstream setting difficult and need a bespoke curriculum that focuses on the child. We work closely with parents/carers and a host of external agencies to provide our students with a high level of support. There is a 1:5 adult to student ratio in CREATE.   CREATE is an offsite provision in an alternative building within Hartlepool.

Our goal is that our students can leave us with the relevant skills and qualifications to move on successfully with their next step and ultimately go on to be a positive member of society.

Your child will be provided with a bespoke timetable which is to be always adhered to. This is non-negotiable.

The CREATE provision is split into two sections, main and extension.

Our school day is as follows:

CREATE Rewards & Sanctions

Students will attend the main provision unless students and parents are informed otherwise. The extension provision is there to support students who are struggling with main provision. If students are unsettled in the main provision and all attempts to help students regulate have failed, students will be asked to go home and return at 1pm where staff can work with them in a quieter setting. Details of when extension provision will be used can be found on the CREATE rewards and Sanctions page.  It is essential that positive behaviour is recognised, and that staff pay close attention to ensure praise where it is due.

We will use the following rewards where appropriate.

  • Headteacher awards
  • Verbal and non-verbal praise
  • Star of the Week in core subjects
  • Weekly attendance and punctuality awards.


All students study English, Maths and Science to GCSE level. On occasions Entry Level may be offered as an alternative, this will be done so in consultation with parents/carers.

Students will then study a minimum of two option subjects.

This could be GCSEs, BTECs or a combination of the two. In addition to these options, we offer a range of additional qualifications including BTEC Home Cooking and The Duke of Edinburgh award.

Alternative activities will be on offer such as bike riding, outdoor education, walking, climbing and local area attraction visits.  Most recently we have made Functional Skills available to our students in English and Maths in addition to GCSEs.